Turning blue in support of Huntington’s

Several shades of blue were visible around St Paul’s Anglican Grammar School’s Warragul Campus recently during “Wear Something Blue – Huntington’s Awareness Day.”
The Warragul Junior School’s Student Representative Council (SRC) opted to support the day in recognition of a St Paul’s family that is living with the impacts of Huntington’s disease (HD).
A progressive, genetic neurological condition, HD causes deterioration of brain cells resulting in impairment in a person’s physical, cognitive and emotional/psychological functioning.
HD is relatively unknown but not rare and teachers have been educating students about HD throughout the year about its devastating impact which is commonly misunderstood.
The whole school ‘turned blue’ for the cause to support the awareness of HD with students and teachers donning their favourite blue outfits.
The SRC hosted various activities throughout the day that included ball games and a colouring competition and sold merchandise from Huntington’s Victoria.
Representatives from Huntington’s Victoria joined students for the afternoon to explain more about HD.
Fundraising and donations raised over $8,000 for the cause as part of a larger community effort.